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  • Sailing The Ionian

    We’ve just got back from a couple of weeks Sailing the Greek Islands. It’s hard to return to what has been, let’s face it, a lacklustre Summer so far. On the bright…

  • Fountains Journey

    I’ve started an oil on canvas 1200mm x 600mm of Fountains Abbey as part of the ‘In the Footsteps of Turner’ series. It’s from a mixed media piece I did recently and…

  • Teaching At Norton Conyers

    It was nice to be teaching again this week and for the first time in my own studio. It takes a while to get used to a new working space but having other…

  • London

    I was in London this week to deliver an oil painting to some lovely customers. The Thames changed colour from minute to minute but I liked its brown hues the best. I…

  • Sea Life

    David has been working at the coast recently and this is reflected in many of the new works appearing on the site at the moment:  

  • Caught by the River

    The joys of rivers, music and beer; what more could you want from a web site? Pop along to https://www.caughtbytheriver.net  Where you will find some wonderful stuff and they’ve even been kind enough to…

  • Caught by the River

    I am thrilled to have had some writing (and pictures) accepted by Caught by the River. For those of us who’s lives are immeasurably enlivened by association with rivers it is probably…

  • Dalesman Feature

    I’m featured in February’s issue of the Dalesman magazine which came out today. It’s a fine piece by editor Adrian Braddy about the ‘In the Footsteps of Turner’ project. Grab a copy…

  • Ch ch ch changes!

    We’ve been having a major change round in the gallery over the past couple of months. The new staircase is finished and we have redecorated. As always, these things take longer than…

  • Drawing Babies!

    Yep – I’ve been drawing babies and pushchairs for the series of greetings cards; not subjects I’m particularly familiar with! The new batch has hit the racks and selling well and I’m…

  • Framing

      Framing can be a difficult issue: to frame or not to frame, and if you do, what size, what colour, should it be gilded? A trusted framer is an invaluable asset…

  • The Cards Have Arrived!

    I haven’t had time to post on here for a while as my time has been taken up with the design and production of a new range of David Stead greetings cards.…