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  • Tickets

    The usual pile of bills hits the mat on this dour day of gunmetal skies, drizzle damp pavements and hissing traffic. Ok – the winter has been a good one with some…

  • Horses

    Another bitter day and snow is whipping in from the east. I’m going up to Kilgram bridge to make a snowy picture of the river Ure but already as I set off,…

  • A Walk By The River Ure (By Kate Frater)

    A Walk By The River Ure   After the assault on the old stone bridge the river comes to quiet, pestering the banks; the skeletal roots of trees.   The trout are…

  • Head of the Ure

    It’s not that I’m completely unsociable – I can talk shite over a pint of Black Sheep as well as the next man, but when I’m working I have to give it…

  • Maquette

    When I was a teenager I was lucky enough to work on a farm run by two brothers who kept Clydesdale horses. As young men they had worked the farm with horses…

  • Will Loves Georgie

    Leaving the car in the lane I wander off down the deserted side track. On the left, piles of steaming manure are speckled with rooks, crows and Jackdaws like currants in a…

  • River Ure. An article for Caught by the River

    The river Ure: It is my definitive river, the one I grew up with, the one I understand, the one I thought I knew. I had swum in it and played by…

  • Caught by the River

    I am thrilled to have had some writing (and pictures) accepted by Caught by the River. For those of us who’s lives are immeasurably enlivened by association with rivers it is probably…

  • Dalesman Feature

    I’m featured in February’s issue of the Dalesman magazine which came out today. It’s a fine piece by editor Adrian Braddy about the ‘In the Footsteps of Turner’ project. Grab a copy…

  • Painting Course

    I will be teaching a two day course on Wed 19th & Thurs 20th June this year at The Stable Gallery at Old Sleningford near Mickley. Let me know if you would…

  • River Ure Project

    I’m launching a new project about the river Ure – an artists journey from source to the Ouse. The river begins it’s journey east high up in the limestone country of Lund…

  • Bolton Castle

    Probably the most visited of the Yorkshire Dales, Wensleydale has a softer beauty than those to the north and south of it. Bolton Castle was built by Sir Richard le Scrope, Lord Chancellor…