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  • In the Footsteps of Turner exhibition is running NOW!

    Wow! Made it

  • The New Look David Stead Gallery

    Work on the gallery is completed for the time being – hope you like the look of it. We have  some wonderfully bright new tableware by Collectively Artisan, all of which is…

  • Ch ch ch changes!

    We’ve been having a major change round in the gallery over the past couple of months. The new staircase is finished and we have redecorated. As always, these things take longer than…

  • Drawing Babies!

    Yep – I’ve been drawing babies and pushchairs for the series of greetings cards; not subjects I’m particularly familiar with! The new batch has hit the racks and selling well and I’m…

  • Greetings Cards

    The greetings cards have been selling like hot cakes here at David Stead Gallery. We have a choice of about twenty five images, all taken from original works by David and we…

  • Framing

      Framing can be a difficult issue: to frame or not to frame, and if you do, what size, what colour, should it be gilded? A trusted framer is an invaluable asset…

  • The Cards Have Arrived!

    I haven’t had time to post on here for a while as my time has been taken up with the design and production of a new range of David Stead greetings cards.…

  • Ripon Cathedral

    I was thinking of doing a series of greetings cards based on some of my pictures. Obviously I would need a Ripon Cathedral card so I did this mixed media. I think…

  • Lydia Portrait

    Easter Monday and just finished a portrait of Lydia. We have a cuppa to celebrate.

  • Stop!

    You’ll notice that Jonathan is grinning in the photo; this was the relative calm after the storm. For the previous twenty five minutes he had been bouncing round the room, whooping and…

  • Bootham Culmination (or not)

    So, we are approaching the final stroke – the coup de grace. Jonathan will I’m sure be relieved: he will get his life and his sitting room back, whereas I will be…

  • Kate

    Finished a portrait of daughter Kate yesterday; don’t think I’ll be allowed to sell it though!